Headstones in different shapes and data-lazy-sizes at the Parsons Cemetery

When you first enter Parsons Cemetery through one of our three gates, you are driving through the oldest section of the cemetery, which we refer to as the “Old Part”.

Various shapes and data-lazy-sizes for headstones at the Parsons Cemetery

The original cemetery, established in 1873, is located in the southeastern part of the cemetery. This area includes the family lot of Benjamin Parsons, the founder of Parsons Cemetery, as well as the lots of many of Salisbury’s important historical families.

Sign explaining historical graves at the Parsons Cemetery

As you continue through the cemetery, you will occasionally see kiosks like this one. These contain historical information about famous people interred within Parsons.

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Various shapes and data-lazy-sizes of headstones at the Parsons Cemetery

As you continue into Parsons Cemetery, you will be moving through progressively newer parts of the cemetery. Many of our WWI and WWII veterans are buried in these sections.


Parsons Cemetery headstones

Many people think Parsons Cemetery is full, but there are a number of sites available throughout the cemetery, especially near Johnson’s Pond.


Parsons Cemetery memorial along the river

The western end of Parsons Cemetery sits along Johnson’s Pond and offers wonderful waterfront views. In addition to traditional burials, we offer a number of different inurnment options in the Water’s Edge section of the cemetery.

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Dog being Blessed in Pet Garden
Pet Garden Image

If you return from the lakefront by way of the northernmost lane, you will have passed the traditional columbaria and will end up at our newest addition, The Delmarva Pet Garden. The only facility of its kind on Maryland’s Eastern Shore has multiple ossuaries that allow for the respectful inurnment of pet ashes as well as ways to memorialize your beloved pet.